The Reiki Songbook

Our mission is to collect and preserve the songs of global Reiki communities in any language, with sheet music, lyrics, audio and video recording of the original composer singing their songs (when possible), and recordings of the songs being used in community. We will develop resources for Reiki communities on how to incorporate Reiki songs into their gatherings and community events, classes, and Reiki circles. This could include video interviews with song leaders and circle facilitators who are excellent at sensing the energy of a group and using music and movement to work with the group dynamics. We will provide resource lists of coaches and/or produce Zoom or in-person workshops and one-on-one coaching for community organizers on how to incorporate music and song in their communities. 

Read the Vision Statement




Our Team

Cynthia Faust

Photo of Cynthia Lamb Faust

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Ellen Montague








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Brian Brunius

Photo of Brian Brunius on Mount Kurama in Kyoto, Japan








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Diane Domondon

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Paul Vasile

Photo of Paul Vasile








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Project Sponsor

Reiki Centers of America, Inc.

Reiki Centers of America, Inc. is a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization committed to training and empowering Reiki practitioners and Reiki Masters to develop successful Reiki Centers and thriving Reiki communities in North America. We create and distribute materials for the teaching of Reiki classes, and provide ongoing support for Reiki Masters and for our Certified Reiki Practitioners.




Photo of the Board of Reiki Centers of America, Brian Brunius, Diane Domondon, and Christopher Tellez on the steps of Mount Kurama in 2019.